I have a new desk!

Excuse the extension cable! We need a new socket.

Remember THIS?

Well, I just wasn't getting around to finishing the stool. So this poor thing has been shuffled around from room to room, driving the husband mad in the process. But I started thinking, would it fit in the living room? And we've decided to get rid of some furniture we never use, and this now fits beautifully. 

I went to the boot sale with my dear friend yesterday and scored some treasures. Most of them all from the same lady.

I love a bit of vintage wire! 

Possibly for the kitchen or the bathroom.

For my new desk!

  A beaten up old metal filing box.

  French sheet music with a lovely cover.

And at Fridays flea I got this lovely crate with a delightful label. 
Come on, you didn't think I could do a post about my new finds without there being a crate involved?

I love this label.

 One day I will show you the armoire type thing that sits on the upstairs landing where the crates live. We have a tiny bathroom with no storage so all the towels and things go in the armoire. Which is crying out for a makeover. Obviously.

Inside this crate, folded up in the bottom was this bit of paper...

I don't know if this shop still exists in West Ealing but we have family there so I can find out. I thought it'd be cool to paint onto a plain crate. And that might be mouse poo folded up in it. Nice.

I've done one bleach treatment on my table top and it's drying out as I type. I think I might do another tomorrow.

Come back soon to see if it's worked!

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