Day Eleven is here already! I would be lying if I didn't say that I was seriously decorating and straightening up my house right up to the very last second. Will I ever learn from procrastinating? I am hoping someday I will be ahead of the game.

Let's start the tour....






If you are still here on the tour with me, thank you for hanging in there! I know.. photo overload!
Thank you to Jenny (Evolution of Style) and Lisa (Shine Your Light) for inviting me to be apart of this super fun tour of homes. I sure had fun peeking into everyone's homes and I hope you did too.

Please go over to Jenny's blog tomorrow, Friday, December 20th and link up your home tour! I would love to see yours too.

I will be back and give some details of my home tour, and hey guess what I did a craft project!! Did you see it? I will be back to give you details on that as well. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll address it in the follow up post.
Thanks again for taking my home tour!

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