Well that Leibster Award led to quite a long post and I didn't want to stick this news on the end of it as I may have lost some of you along the way and it's so cool that it deserves its own post.

The marvellously funny Katie from Hook, Line & Sink Her made me her Blog of The Week! I didn't see the email she sent me until after I'd already seen the post and run shrieking into my husbands office with it. Luckily he works from home or that could have been embarrassing. What a nice surprise that was. I was having a not so great day and that certainly cheered me up.

A big ''Thank you'' to Katie for the kind words. I put the link on facebook telling people how famous I was. As you do.
I really feel like the Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen of Hitchin now. With not such fabulous hair obviously. I have already been asked for my autograph. (It might have been sarcasm.)

Here's the article. My dad says he thinks I wrote it! Huh!

Do check out the very witty Hook, Line & Sink Her and pop into her Etsy shop too! It's especially good if you like octopi.

In other breaking news I recently acquired one of these:

I paid £14.99 for a badly put together slightly used Ikea Bekvam beech step stool from the most expensive chazzer in town.
They retail at £11 brand spanking new.

 I didn't know this.

Anyway, I can't get to Ikea so I'm still pleased with it but I shall be letting the most expensive charity shop in town know. And I put all the screws in their rightful places.

It's already started its transformation. It was either that, or tackle a pile of ironing. If you are excited by this kind of thing, there's a page full of Bekvam hacks on Pinterest for you to salivate over while I figure out what I'm doing with mine.

And I finally got two matching plants for my painted crates!

Yay! Symmetry. And a splash of colour! Not. That's okay. I actually want to live in a White Company catalogue...

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