Having read a page of a DIY manual I headed to the DIY store in search of a cranked spanner. I'd disconnected the old tap and taken it with me. I said that I didn't expect them to have a replacement for it as our pipes are from 1960 and I'd been informed that they were not the modern standard size. The bloke looked a little perplexed and explained that pipes were pipes and that they did not change in the sixties like our money did.

So the plumber who said we had to have all new pipework was just trying to turn a cheap, quick job into a more costly full days work?!

I went home armed with replacement taps and it all went swimmingly until I turned the water back on. The connection was leaking. A lot.

A little tiny squashed and broken washer had fallen out of the connection and I had disregarded it. I was now beginning to think it had an important role to play. As it was knackered I had to go back to the DIY store with the little washer in an envelope. 26p later we headed for home and tried again.

Utter perfection! No leaks! A working hot tap! And a slightly eclectic look I think you'll agree. I might even replace the cold tap too for the sheer hell of it! (But not today...)
This bathroom is hopefully being ripped out this year (not by me!) so I was going for function over beauty in the short term.
But I am available for tap changing, being an expert now! If you too are seeking a mismatched look, don't mind that it takes me three days to complete a job and have a supply of old towels for when it doesn't go to plan, then do bear me in mind!

Linking with Faith Hope and Charity shopping
  And PJH Designs

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