...I've got no further with the dining room and I've been buying things that I have no need for.
I just love them.

 What am I going to do with this?

Vintage hymn board from a church

And where to put it? No idea. But it's so cool, I'm sure I will think of something... key holder maybe? Luckily my husband didn't ask how much I paid for it. I'd have lied. But it was still a fraction of what they sell for on eBay. So that makes it an investment rather than needless junk doesn't it?

Next up...

Stupidly small, needlepoint vintage handbag. Currently hanging on my bedroom mirror. So pretty.

And this:

A vintage European coffee grinder. I don't drink coffee. I'll have to start now. I found that at this mornings boot sale. I sooo enjoyed driving there! I'm very happy to give up the half hour walk. I smiled all the way home.

And the painting progress? Here's a sneaky peek at it:



And a hedgehog update? She's getting to be a big fat girl which is great. She's almost gained 100g.

She gets excercised every day and enjoys a good forage round the garden. Or the kitchen.

Isn't she a beauty?

Back soon with the completed cabinet. I have to finish it this week as I've got family over at the weekend. Wish me luck!

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