Today is the day to link up to Linda's (Calling It Home) One Room Challenge. I'm so excited to be able to partake in this challenge because I seriously need a fire lit under me to get this "little" project done. Thank you, Linda for having this linking party!

If you are popping over from Linda's blog... Hello, and thank you so much for stopping by! I will quickly introduce myself: My name is Stacey and I am from and still live in the Pacific NW. I have three daughters (23,14 and 12), and have been a stay at home mom for the last 14 years. I have always had a strong love for interior design but it has gotten stronger over the last 14 years while being at home with the girls. I FINALLY decided as I approached the big 4-OH to take an interior design course (Sheffield, now named New York Institute of Art and Design) and see where it leads me. I decided to take the course so that I could learn a little bit more about design and hopefully gain some confidence in what I am doing in my own home, but I would really love to help others with their spaces now. When I finish my course I will hopefully add a e-design option to my site to hire me if you are not in the Seattle area and hopefully will start working for local clients.
Well, that about sums up me, right now.

Let's get back to the Challenge. What have room I chosen? As much as I would've loved to makeover my kitchen (in 6weeks, ha!), or my laundry room, or my master bedroom.. or maybe even just finish my family room, or living room, or dining room...but what really needs to be finished is my 12 year old daughter's room.

A little back history on this space, both my 14 & 12 year old daughters have shared a very large bedroom since we moved into this 3 bedroom home, 12 years ago. After, my now 23 year old daughter moved out on her own, my 14 year old moved into her old room and the 12 year old scored the large room to herself. So both younger daughters deserved a room makeover with this switch. Still with me??

I started this bedroom makeover in mid- July. Now, almost 3 months later it is sadly still not completed. Poor girl hasn't had window coverings in nearly 3 months! Yikes.
I will not use her actual bedroom as the challenge however since it is nearly 80% done. What I am doing, is her little hideaway room that is connected to her bedroom.

This is what its current state looks like. Real life, no editing.

 As you can see the preteen years are slightly starting to take over the sweet pastel butterflies, flowers and bees theme we had going on in here, and I had already started priming some paint over a few of them. I will miss those cute little bugs and the sweet memories of younger years when the girls were itty bitty.

I wish I had pictures of what this room looked like when the girls were little. We had a kitchen set in here and a cute little café table and chairs. It was the PERFECT play area for them both and their friends. Plus when it got ransacked and Polly Pockets and Barbies were spewed out everywhere, I could just close the door.

Now, it's just her and she's well....12. She would now like to use this space as place to get dressed, and a place for her and her friends to sort of hideaway and hang out. A place to play board games, or play on their iPods/iPads/iwhatevers. It's also a great area for her to practice her flute, and snuggle into her bean bag and read a book.

We have a lot of fun ideas for this room. You can check out my inspiration board on Pinterest to get some ideas of what we are thinking. I hope you'll come back each week and see the progression. Actually, I'm begging you to come back and keep me in line and don't let me slack off. Thank you in advance!

Don't forget to go to Linda's blog though and see all the other link ups today. It's going to be so much fun to see who else is linking up and what other rooms are being made over.

I also love to have new followers, so if you'd like to follow me on my journey, you can follow me by Bloglovin or by Google Friend Connect or by email delivery, just look over on the right hand side, and/or follow me on any of the other social media outlets as well. I like to meet new friends and will follow you back!

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