No, not the lamp...yet. It is looking better though. I've ordered something from America which hopefully will mean I can embellish it. Watch this space. I have spent a great many hours online looking for direction!

But what I have finished is this marble topped table.

I removed the odd wooden phallus from the cross brace. What's all that about?!

I sugar soaped all the wood and filled the hole left by dismembering the cross brace.

I didn't prime as I wanted to see if the paint would all peel off. Well, it did a little.

This was just emulsion tester pots from my beloved Wilkinsons paint range and Antique pine wax by Liberon.

Bad Bobby strikes again...

Sorry if the photos are a little fuzzy. I really need to learn how to use the camera.

It's been a girls only weekend as my husband is in Manchester.
My daughter and I had some great plans including baking...

My effort...

And my daughters...

Hers were far nicer than mine which failed to rise for some reason.
This morning she's unwell so that and the rain put paid to the boot sale.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Back soon with that lamp makeover come hell or high water.

Don't forget the competition! Bahaha!

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