I've given both crates (well, crate and drawer) a wash of emulsion, very watered down and wiped off and I like them much better now. They look a bit more muted and driftwoody and suit the living room better.
I had to re-do the lettering on the Hitchin Lavender one as it got lost under the wash of pale paint.
For the drawer I decided upon the logo from Bettys, Yorks finest tea rooms.
York is where I was born and grew up and Bettys is a must visit tea room in the City centre. They queue up outside to get in, it's that good!
Here's the famous Fat Rascal
I've never had one as I'm not a cakey sort of person but I had the most delicious Eggs Benedict of my life in here!
This is not a sponsored post! I'm just saying if you're in York, you've got to go!
So here's the crate, er, drawer...
Just need two matching plants now...
I took a sanding sponge to the lettering of the Hitchin one and I think it looks better. I'll do it to the new one when it's dry.
I'll try not to do any more crate posts for a bit ok? Obsessive? Moi?
Without further ado, the winner of the giveaway is... (drumroll...)
... MARILYN! Woo hoo!
Marilyn please could you email me your full name, address and postcode and I will pop them in the post to you!
Linking with Me and my shadow; Magpie Monday
and Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
and PJH designs

and Knick of Time Tuesday