It was a 6am start for me as usual this morning. It always feels wrong getting up before the heating comes on and before my daughter is awake.

Want to see what I found?

Exciting to me! New paintbrushes £1 each.

Large unused fabrics 50p each. Two are Laura Ashley and similar to mine and Little Nells homemade Laura Ashley bridesmaid dresses. 

It's just the reverse colourway. I'm the blond above. 

Anyway, I'm making a rag quilt and those fabrics will go into it.

 I got all these vintage darning threads for 50p the lot. I don't believe in darning at all but the packaging is so appealing...

...I couldn't just leave them there!

Best of all: this vintage eiderdown! £8. It was all wrapped up in plastic, and the lady wouldn't let me open it to inspect it, but assured me I could bring it back and get a refund if it was holey or stained. (It's not.)

 Thing is, she'd labelled it as a single and it's definitely a double! So it was even more of a bargain. 

                                    Beautiful vibrant colours! Definitely worth getting up early for!

                                          This week in a charity shop I picked up this. £1.50

I might be the last person in the country to read it but honestly! £7.99 for a paperback? Really? I'm out of touch! I thought £1.50 was a bit steep!
 I've heard very mixed reviews so it might be on it's way back to the charity shop pronto, but if it's any good, you might not hear from me for a while...

I've warned the husband!

I've been working on an exciting project that I'll be back to show you soon! Happy Sunday x

Linking with Magpie Monday at Me and my shadow

and Op shop show off at Blackbird has Spoken

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