Remember this wicker basket I found at the boot sale?

Mmm, very nice but the orange just wasn't doing it for me. 

I mixed up in a washing up bowl 1 tester pot of F&B's Cornforth white and 3 tester pots of water. 
I used a brush to flood it into the wicker and let it run out. You have to cover every surface. 

And here we have it...

...mounted inside the pantry door. 

(Except really... the door is hollow, I can't put heavy things in it. So it's an oversized packet shelf! I thought the bottles looked better though.)

And there was enough paint left over to do another...

 And I even painted the inside of the pantry door for the photo! 
Blogging is good. I get jobs done just for you!

Oh, and vintage cot cat bed update? 

It's definitely a hit!

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