Here are the BEFORE shots again...
Here's the 'FIRST FINISHED' shot...(it's just a close up as the room was in total disarray.)
I was NOT digging it. So despite saying it wouldn't be white, I went for an off white, that most everything else in the room is painted in. (Porcelain by Dulux Trade Paints) Doh! Why didn't I just do that in the first place?
Here are the 'SECOND FINISHED' shots...
Flea market vintage rug
It's not what I set out to do. But it's probably what I should have set out to do! It took me another whole day to do this. So the grey was 'Cosy grey' by Wilkinsons (a lovely colour!) and the top coat, 'Porcelain' by Dulux. Just matt emulsion. Then waxed with Liberon Antique Pine to add protection and a teeny bit of warmth to the Porcelain.
Want to see the rest of the room?
The sun is shining. Come on in.
I bought the French bed years ago when I bought my first house. The bedside table is an eBay score. (Needs painting.) Bedspread from a boot sale. I made the Union Jack cushion. Cross stitch cushion from eBay.
The lamp and shade were boot sale finds. I darkened the brass with tourmaline as I'm into tarnish.
Love my vintage religious pictures. This is the only one I have up...
Silly corner window. Car boot sale manneqin that I recovered with hessian.
Car boot sale silver plated tray. Same style as the mirror above it. The glass jars were collected from charity shops.
This little guy is next to the mirror. I had two but I smashed the other one.They were boot sale finds.
Mannequin fetish...
Just got this huge jewellery case from a charity shop the other day. I was just thinking the mirror looked messy draped in necklaces, and I had 4 jewellery boxes dotted around. I don't really wear jewellery and I sold my gold and my silver but I have some of my mums costume jewellery and some old family bits of worthless tat that I want to keep. Even my daughters teeth are in here! Everything fits as there are slide out drawers inside. I'm sure I will paint it but not yet. I need a break! The bears were from boot sales and they're married.
All finished off with a vintage lamp. (Original wiring!) The wall colour you see here is 'Hazelnut Cream' by Dulux Trade Paints. I love it. It was bought for the living room and was far too pink but it works in here.
If you're thinking there's not much male influence in here you'd be right. My husband has the master bedroom as he snores like a motorbike.
I LOVE snooping round other peoples homes in blogland so I hope you've enjoyed this peep into my boudoir.
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