An old eiderdown makes a comfy place to sit and tell the husband it's his turn to mow the lawn.
This topless table is a work in progress. I love the rust! It would have had a glass top but I'm thinking of something the moment it's not all that practical.
And for my overseas readers, let me share my spot, under the apple tree where we take afternoon tea...
...unless it's raining of course.
I just knew that old crate would be useful for something.
Would you believe the patchwork seat pads were found in Primark? (Overseas readers, it's like Prada.)
The herb garden under the kitchen window and the rhubarb...
And if you're very quiet, you just might see the fairies at the bottom of the garden...
A fairy garden always needs a castle...
(Found this one at this mornings boot sale!)
And the fairies need a toadstool house. (Charity shop)
They also need a place to take afternoon tea. Or is that pot filled with wine?
A peaceful spot to catch up on blogland. Who knew fairies had laptops? Crazy paving: a B&Q mosaic tile.
Definitely wine.
Enjoy the sunshine! Back soon with a stonkingly fabulous giveaway! (Even something for overseas readers!)