Woops, so I was supposed to be posting this yesterday but this week sort of got the best of me.
I would like to say that I have a lot of things to tell you about that I accomplished since last week, but sadly that would be a lie. Dang, how long can redoing a simple tiny room take? Hopefully, no longer than 6 weeks! haha

So, anyway...I will make this post short and sweet. Here is where I am today.

I started painting a plain white cheap mirror from Target green.

I finished the chalkboard wall and have started the first level of the ombre wall.

Still on the search of possible new wall scone lighting for this room, and I am looking for one of these...

I have seem these online at Pottery Barn, Serena and Lily and many other sites, but they are all close to $100. That's not a price I will good about spending on a laundry basket for a 12 year olds' room.
I did see some at Homegoods, a few months ago and am kicking myself for not getting one.
If you know of anywhere else I should search, please let me know.

Thanks and I will hope to show you more progress next week. Have a great weekend!

Missed out on the first two weeks? Here's week one and week two. Or want to see what other bloggers that are linking up are doing? See here

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