I'm very much hoping to start my own business this year and although I don't want to go into it too much at this stage, rest assured you people will be the first to know when I get it up and running.

No, it's not Brush-on-a-Stick or The Checked Curtain Company.

It's a kitchen related product. What I would LOVE from you wonderful readers is a bit of market research. I may do the same with my facebook friends but after the dresser comments I realise what you like and what my facebook friends like, are poles apart. (You guys having the BEST taste obviously!)

Not my kitchen

What I need to know is:
  1. What colour are your kitchen units?
  2. What colour is your worktop?
  3.  Do you have an accent colour in there? Tiles, curtains etc
  4. What is the predominant colour of your DREAM kitchen?
  5. Kitchens: should they be neutral or coloured?
If you could leave answers below in the comment section I will love you forever.
( Eg; 1. White. 2. Black. 3. Red. 4. Cream. 5. Neutral.)

My very own kitchen is; 1. skanky beige. 2. skanky beige fake wood. 3. that would be beige again. 4. anything but beige. Cream? 5. Neutral.

Not my kitchen (sigh)

See how easy it is? Once I'm a successful business woman with a multi million pound empire I promise to do a giveaway of one of my extremely valuable and most desirable products. Pinky promise. And whosoever speaks below is automatically entered. But we're still in the design stages so give me a month or so...

Thank you! x

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