This is my third post in three days as I'm totally over excitable at the moment. Last night was fantastic!

The concert I was harping on about here (risking losing followers with my squirrelly musical taste) was last night. So here's my outfit...

The pimped vintage rock tee! And the rarely seen legs! Vix's blog has led me astray...

(I'm not going to make a habit of outfit shots because I don't ever wear nice clothes. I'm all about warmth and comfort. Jeans, jumpers and kind of hiking boots are my daily uniform. I LOVE reading you girls fashion blogs and my favourite clothes are vintage but really. I can't be arsed.)

And purely in the name of journalism you understand, just for you people I did this...

                                                         I have stars in my eyes!


The atmosphere was incredible and they were clearly overjoyed with the response they got.

Today my ears are deliciously damaged and the world is muffled. But what a great way to go deaf.
And the flooring guys came! Yay!

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