I am beyond excited this morning as I just found out I won a free ticket to go to The Design Camp in Seattle this May! I have never gone to anything like this before and am super excited to learn!
Thank you to Kim Hoegger, for this great giveaway and opportunity!


The Design Camp is led by HGTV celebrity designers, Kelli Ellis and Lori Dennis, and there will be many other high profile speakers including, local blogger Cassandra La Valle of Coco+Kelley, blogger Ronda Carman of All the Best, Decoration Editor of Veranda Magazine, Leslie Newsome Rascoe and Nathan Turner!

If you are interested in going to the Design Camp, you can maybe win a free ticket like I did. Hop on over to Kim's blog, she is giving away two more tickets until March 15th or you can order tickets here.

I swear with the luck I have been having lately I should buy a lottery ticket!!

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