I took a break from the boot sale this morning as it was snowing out. My husband is working in London all weekend so we're going to celebrate mothers day next weekend with lunch out and/or breakfast in bed. At six years old, my daughter can't pull that off on her own.

I did get this lovely card.

with a lovely promise inside...

 I will hold her to her promise next weekend! 

March is a bittersweet time. It's the month of my mums birthday, mothers day and is around the time she passed away so she is in my thoughts a lot at this time of year. My first mothers day as a mother was my first without a mother. But I am truly blessed with my little girl. I know she has a special guardian angel watching over her.
 I always get daffodils for mothers day as they were my mums favourites. My daughter cracked me up when she asked me what I'd like and I told her daffodils she said she had actually planned on buying me a stone pheasant!?! Okay...

Wishing you all  a happy mothers day if you are a mother, have a mother or have lost a mother.

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