Fall is my favorite season and here are 20 little reasons why...

1. The most obvious reason... the changing of the colors of the leaves.

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Living in the Seattle area, fall has to be one of the best seasons, especially September and the beginning of October. Very little rain, and the temperature is just about perfect to be out and about and enjoy the fall colors that abounds us.
2. Wearing cozy sweaters and boots.
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3. When we are tucked inside at night or in the morning, nothing beats some cozy socks.
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4. I didn't start drinking coffee until my late 30's, and now I LOVE it! Being inside on a chilly morning and sipping some hot coffee is a blissful moment.
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5. Apple pie. Nothing says fall like sweet apple pie!
via williams-sonoma
6. Or maybe nothing says fall like banana bread.
via My Sweet Savannah
7. Sitting by a cozy fireplace, as the temperature outside starts to drop.
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8. Watching my girls play soccer.

9. Caramel Apples. Yum!
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10. Making a big pot of chili or another hearty soup.
via williams-sonoma
11. Wrapping up in a cozy chunky blanket.
via Pottery Barn
12. Football. I don't follow or watch football, but for some reason I really like it when it's the background noise. It just sounds like fall.
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13. The rain. I know, it's absolutely crazy but I love the first rain of fall. I like being indoors and listening to the pitter-patter of the rain. However, after weeks and months of it, I do change my mind.
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14. Fall plants and flowers.
15. Going to the pumpkin farm with the kids.
via Remlinger Farms
16. The start of  a NEW school year. Don't get me wrong, I do love the summer break to be with my kids more, and having the break from routines and schedules. But after a couple months, I long for schedules and routines. The beginning of school has always felt like a clean slate to me, more than the New Year. I make to do lists and resolutions for the school year, not the calendar year.
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 17. Decorating the house for fall and Halloween.
via Pottery Barn
18. Organizing, purging and deep cleaning. I do this in the fall and the spring.
19. Halloween! The fun of trick or treating with the kids, and CANDY, duh!!

and 20. Thanksgiving. Taking a moment to really be thankful for what we have and spending some precious moments with the family.
via Williams-Sonoma
There you have it, my reasons for loving this season the best. How about you? Is fall your favorite season? What are your reasons for loving fall?
I am linking up with The Inspired Room today. Link up your 20 reasons for loving fall, or just check out Melissa's blog for a little fall inspiration.

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