Remember this?
A shabby little bedside/telephone table from the Salvation Army shop.

A bit of milk paint (Homestead House in Canada - Champlain) and waxing and now it's like this

Roses for Hakan! (David Austen -Queen of Sweden) I think they may be the last blooms of the year.

I had trouble with the distressing as there was something lumpy on the sandpaper and it scratched weird marks in the paint. I had to repaint it. Once you embrace the fact that you're not going to get an opaque coverage then using the milk paint is fine. And once the wax is on it always looks so much better.
I like to stipple the dark wax on with an old paintbrush as it adds another dimension to the final texture. A kind of speckledy finish.
And as usual, in my haste to finish it, I dark waxed at night and spent this morning scrubbing half of it off. I can hear my mothers voice. ''A monkey would've learnt by now!''

Delighted to be linking up with
From My Front Porch Yo Yours

Miss Mustard Seed

The Rose Garden in Malevick; Saturday show off

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