I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. It was just the three of us here, very quiet as no family are close by. My daughter had a huge amount of presents and her favourites were the fairies from Santa so I feel very pleased with myself. I don't mind Santa taking the credit!

The dining room couldn't stay pretty for long. The table got stripped of its cloths and pushed back to the wall on Boxing Day and I have been dragging things in from the shed to glue, paint and sand. The Christmas tunes have been replaced by Redd Kross and I have had a lovely time.

What with the dining room (my painting space) being piled high with the hall and living room furniture for weeks I haven't been able to do much apart from the crate which took up no space. I've really been dying to get stuck in...

the first thing I painted was this...

... a sort of window framey mirror I bought here back in August. Throughout the festive season I've been thinking it would look great painted up with a wreath or ice skates dangling down the front. Well, better late than never I've done it.

I used milk paint from Homestead House in Canada because I wanted a really chippy vintage feel as if it was a real old window frame. I sugar soaped the frame but didn't sand.

This was my pathetic attempt at styling. The wreath wouldn't hang right and I don't have the patience today so I gave up.

You get the idea...

This is what milk paint does if you don't add the bonding agent (pva)...

Fortunately that's the look I was hoping for. There's not much control over what happens with milk paint!

My husband is not thrilled with it but I think I'm quite in love with it.

Next up? This one!

But I'll have to save that for next time!
Linking up with From My Front Porch To Yours
and The Rosegarden in Malevik
and Funky Junk Interiors SNS
and Carters Cottage; Monday Muse

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