Allrighty, I've been bogged down with school fair fudge making (epic fail TWICE) and visiting the relatives and I'm still emptying the downstairs for the flooring. No creating here to report...

But something exciting has been going on. Last night my very own road where I live was closed to traffic for FILM MAKING!
In fact since the end of summer  there have been people filming all over Letchworth Garden City my next door town, changing the names of all the pubs and leaving lighting rigs everywhere!

'The World's End' is the movie, due out next summer and starring Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Martin Freeman.
I know! In my very own road! Three film stars!
Unfortunately all the action is happening at a pub much further down the road which would be a long walk in the cold night air and apparently they don't let anyone up there.

But you can't have everything.

So what's it about? A group of friends go on a pub crawl with an apocalyptic twist. I mean, what more can you ask of a movie?  Simon Pegg can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.

You can read more about it here...

And I had a tip off today from a friend that some very special guests were coming out to turn on the Letchworth Christmas lights. We had to endure the local Pantomime people telling jokes I first heard in the seventies for 20 whole minutes before there they were, our very own film stars, turning on the lights and thanking the good folk of Letchworth for their hospitality.

Father Christmas trying to muscle in. No chance.

They had fake snow and fireworks. No expense spared when movie stars come to town!
Happy weekend everyone!

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