Anyway, I have scraped myself out of my sick bed (Sick bed? Fat chance!) to bring you the latest in the ongoing saga of our dining table. I think this is part four.Yes I probably do need to get out more.
Here are the legs before...
...and after...
...up close...
I tried some 'actual colours' and some blended techniques and it just looked pants. (But I really did try.) This was light brown home made furniture paint (plaster of paris) and just emulsion over that. I forgot to sugar soap (slaps wrist) but I got away with it and I'm happy with the result. It looks a bit beachy.
I read on someones blog first that they always do the legs or body of a piece before they do the wooden top. I don't get this. I always do the tops first. You never know exactly what colour it's going to be until it's done and then you can choose your paint accordingly. The creamy colour here is ON DECK by Wilkinsons which was a perfect colour to go with the top and covered nicely in one coat. I did the top coat of the legs with just 2 tester pots costing £1 each. Bargain! Those tester pots go a long way.
I think I've decide on a wall colour which is a bit more sophisticated than the Pale Powder F&B that's there. And cheaper.
The plumber is coming to take off the radiator this week to allow me to get all the painting done. Then the floors and skirting boards can go in. And won't that make a difference? I cannot wait to say goodbye to the black floor!
I still have a lot to do. You're going to be so fed up of my dining room before I'm done! Back soon with dining room lighting...
If you want to see how I got the top so pale check my previous posts.