Okay, so the stairs are still not finished. (Although thankfully we are past the excrement look.) The coffee table/bedroom bench isn't even started. I have been wasting my energy on other things. Like a futile journey to B&Q in Stevenage to collect some skirting boards that I didn't even have the strength to lift, let alone bring home on the train. I thought I had ordered one skirting board. Turns out it was a pack of 4.

The ironing pile is the biggest I've ever seen it.
The sun is shining and I should probably be gardening.

But I'm in need of a little sit down. So I shall distract you from my lack of accomplishments this week by sharing with you some recentish flea market/ car boot sale/ chazzing finds.

First up, this rug...

 Yes, it is wonky and yes, my bedroom skirting boards are half orange. And yes, that chest of drawers is half primed. Come on, concentrate on the rug!

I think it's vintage, and it's sort of hand made. I'll show you a close up...

That bobbliness I think is hand done. I can't remember what it's called...
Anyway, I hoovered it front and back and then washed it in the bath with Woolite. It wasn't really dirty but I'm a clean freak about second hand textiles. It was actually a stupid thing to do as the red colour bled. I spent ages trying to get the red out of the surrounding areas then gave it a rinse of salt water. I think that's meant to lock the colour in...? The rug survived and dried several days later.

At this weeks flea market I found this...

It's a sort of crate with a handle. Perhaps for people who REALLY love crates to carry it around with them rather like a rustic handbag? No?
I'm sure I will find some practical use for it and I'm also sure it will end up with lettering on it.

At last weeks flea market I found this...

a vintage airfix Christmas tree fairy complete with original wings and wand. Because vintage Christmas decs are not just for Christmas.

A set of 6 rusty old hooks...

I'm hoping to keep them rusty and build a cool er, rustic coat hook thingy with them. I just need a new jig saw...

And last of all...

Yes, it's another crate! With a sweet defunct telephone number on the ends...

and a name on the other sides. I have no idea what I will do with this. But I never let that get in the way of buying vintage crates with vintage writing on them. Especially if they are only £3.

Boot sale tomorrow! Happy weekend!

 p.s. It might be called a hand hooked rug.

Linking up with Magpie Monday at Me and My Shadow

and Op shop show off at Blackbird has Spoken

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